Dalkomm Story

dal.komm Co., Ltd ushers in a whole new era for the coffee franchise industry, both in Korea and the world!
When dal.komm Co., Ltd launched dal.komm COFFEE, a new paradigm was created through this innovative coffee franchise brand that has access to both online and offline markets.
Through Danal Entertainment’s investment in February of 2013, dal.komm Co., Ltd was established. And extensive contents and dynamic marketing as well as exceptional dedication in producing the best coffee and music, dal.komm COFFEE has become widely recognized as the coffee brand that provides a sense of closeness and special value to all its consumers.
Coffee, story, and music all combine through dal.komm coffee’s Sound Blending concept where the world’s first-rate coffee beans and barista expert create the perfect coffee. And for the first time in the industry, dal.komm’s BOGO deal offers a unique coffee and music package that provides the higest customer satisfaction and meets all expectations for delightfully divine coffee and music.

As the leading mobile payment company, Danal was the first the world 2000 to provide mobile payment services. With mobile payment service developed for optimal usuage in any online setting along with convenience and security for all its users, Danal has been able to maintain popularity among many internet companies and consumers.
Danal’s mobile payment system, a product of innovative technology, is extensively used around the world in countries like the United States, Europe, and Asia. Danal will continue its successful endeavor to be at the forefront of the world’s mobile payment system.

Created on January of 2012 by Danal, Danal Entertainment is a digital content compant that provides diverse music services and star related contents. By developing ringtone and ringback tone services in the early 2000s, Danal Entertainment has notably contributed to Korea’s mobile content industry. And with the arrival of smart devices, Danal Entertainment continues to lead the trends and customer satisfaction in a rapidly changing global market through its highly entertaining contents.